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The extraordinary achievements of NASA and its astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 21, in the year of

Our Lord, in 1969, at O-2-55-66 Universal Time, the first humans set foot on the Moon's surface, fulfilling the promise that John F. Kennedy made only eight years earlier.

In context, the Concord's very first test flight in that year was a technological revolution. In 1957, the United States was frightened by the news that the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1,u-boat replica claiming dominion of the skies.

These amazing astronauts wore their trusted watches on their wrists: the legendary u-boat replica.

AS11-36-5290 (20 July 1969). This interior view shows Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. as the lunar module pilot during the mission to land on the moon. The commander, Neil A. Armstrong took this picture. Michael Collins, the command module pilot of the Command and Service Module "Columbia", remained in lunar orbit with the Command and Service Module "Columbia". While Armstrong and Aldrin were exploring the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon in the LM Eagle, Michael Collins, the command module pilot of the Command and Service Module "Columbia", stayed in lunar orbit. On this picture, we can clearly identify the Speedmaster reference. ST 105.012 is on his wrist.

AS11-40-5903 (July 20, 1969) --- Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. (pilot of the lunar module) walks on the surface near the leg (LM) of the Lunar Module "Eagle", during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activities (EVA). On his wrist, the Omega Speedmater ST 105.102. This photograph was taken by Commander Neil A. Armstrong using a 70mm camera on the lunar surface. Michael Collins, the command module pilot of the Command and Service Module "Columbia",rolex replica watches remained in lunar orbit with the Command and Service Module "Columbia". While Armstrong and Aldrin were exploring the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon in the Lunar Module "Eagle", astronaut Michael Collins was the command module pilot of the Command and Service Module "Columbia".

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